


In line with our mission and vision, IFS takes responsibility for people and planet, and our immediate living environment. We operate an active policy on these aspects. As well as ensuring a safe working environment for our employees and investing in their personal growth, we operate an active policy that aims to keep our ecological footprint as small as possible. Our efforts in this field range from extensive digitalisation (less printed matter) and waste separation through to investing in solar panels for our business premises and wherever possible electric vehicles.


Naast het hebben van plezier en een fijne werksfeer in ons werk bij IFS vinden we het belangrijk om iedereen een veilige en gezonde werkomgeving te bieden. Onze werkomgeving voldoet aan alle eisen die volgens het VCA certificaat noodzakelijk zijn. Om een bijdrage te leveren aan de opleiding van jongeren in de regio, heeft IFS ieder jaar een aantal stagiairs in dienst. Deze stagiairs doen praktijkervaring op en worden persoonlijk begeleid door een eigen begeleider.


Door medewerkers van IFS wordt altijd respectvol gesproken over klanten, relaties en collega’s, ongeacht hun afkomst, taal, religie, geslacht, huidskleur, maatschappelijke achtergrond of seksuele voorkeur. Discriminatie, op welke basis dan ook, wordt niet getolereerd. IFS waakt ervoor dat er geen overtredingen worden gedaan op de reguliere arbeidsrechten.


In de omgang met relaties vinden wij het belangrijk om integer te handelen. Als betrouwbare partner mag u van ons verwachten dat wij zorgvuldig omgaan met alle informatie (AVG) en respecteren de privacy van al onze relaties. Medewerkers mogen geen giften in geld of natura accepteren, dit om belangenverstrengeling te voorkomen. Uitnodigingen voor het persoonlijk bijwonen van evenementen, lunches of diners gaan altijd in overleg en na akkoord van de directie van IFS. Collega’s gaan onderling respectvol met elkaar om en maken geen misbruik van hun posities binnen ons bedrijf.


In addition to a pleasant and friendly working atmosphere at IFS, we also subscribe to the importance of guaranteeing a safe and healthy working environment for all. We
comply with all the requirements laid down in the Safety Checklist Contractor (VCA) certificate for the whole of our working environment. To help promote the education of young people in the region, IFS employs a number of interns every year. During their period with us, they acquire practical experience and receive personal attention from their own supervisor.



The employees of IFS always speak about customers, business relations and colleagues with respect, irrespective of their origin, language, religion, gender, skin colour, social background or sexual preference. Discrimination of any kind is not tolerated. IFS guarantees that regular working rights are always upheld.


In addition to its social responsibilities, IFS works to minimise the environmental harm caused by the organisation. In living up to this responsibility, we strive to implement a number of preventive measures:

Separating company waste
• Reducing company waste by minimising and where possible reusing packaging material
• Wherever possible using recyclable material
• Fair Business
• Striving for the paperless office
• Reducing printer use
• Wherever possible employing ‘new working’ practices
• Encouraging staff to use public transport and bicycle travel


IFS regularly sponsors projects that match our own business identity, and works to ensure that sponsored activities take place in their purest form.

No less importantly, IFS helps care for its environment by sustainably investing part of its profits. For example we invest in sustainable business processes by selecting equipment for the long term, and reducing company waste. We also invest in energy-efficient equipment to reduce energy consumption. IFS regularly sponsors projects that match our own business identity, and works to ensure that sponsored activities take place in their purest form.

Our policy has a positive impact on our reputation among shareholders, customers and (potential) employees. This is reflected by the loyalty of our customers and the low turnover among our workforce.

Keep calm
and let the technician
handle it